Bozu Prep
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Learn how to stick to your health goals and create a sustainable fitness routine that works for you with these practical and effective tips from Bozu.

New Year, New You? Yeah, we've all been there. Those healthy resolutions start strong, but happens. Well, no shame in the game!

BOZU's got your back with some tips to turn those goals into habits – cause healthy (and delicious!) shouldn't be a one-month fling.

So… Are you ready to ditch those fad diets and actually enjoy eating well?

Let’s get into it.

3 Effective Strategies for Long-Term Health Resolutions

Okay, you've vowed to make yourself a priority this year.

Smart move! Now, let's make that healthy streak last.

Here's your game plan for ditching those excuses and sticking to those goals beyond January.

Choose Activities You Enjoy and Vary Them

Workout boredom is a motivation killer! If you're not feeling it, those healthy habits won't last. Focus on activities that actually fit your style.

  • Outdoorsy type? Lace up for a hike, grab your bike, or hit the running trails.  
  • Crave a crew? Gyms, classes, or sports teams can be your jam. 
  • Prefer the water? Swimming, kayaking, or paddleboarding could be your perfect match. 

(And hey, dancing is a workout too – find a class that gets you moving and grooving!)

The key is variety. Mix in some cardio, build that strength, and do some stretching. It keeps those workouts fun, prevents injuries, and makes those goals way more achievable.

Set SMART Goals and Track Your Progress

Forget those vague "get healthy" goals. Let's get SMART about this! That means goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Ditch the "lose weight" blah-blah.

Instead, think: "Drop 5 pounds by March 31st with healthy eating and 30-minute workouts, three days a week."

Boom, that's a goal with a plan!

SMART goals keep you focused and make those wins feel even sweeter.  

And don’t forget to track! Journal, fitness app, whatever works. Seeing that progress fuels your fire and keeps those resolutions kicking.

Find Your Motivation

Motivation is the fuel that drives you to pursue your goals, even when you face challenges or setbacks. There are two types of motivation — intrinsic and extrinsic.

  • Internal Drive: This is that feel-good feeling when you crush a workout or nail a healthy meal. Makes you want to keep on winning. (And it lasts longer!)
  • External Hype: A little praise, a new workout outfit, whatever gives you a boost. Can be a fun way to keep things fresh.

The key is figuring out what really motivates you. Why those goals matter, how reaching them rocks your world... that is what keeps you going when things get tough.

Use positive reminders, find an awesome workout buddy, whatever works to keep that fire burning!

Battle Burnout & Barriers: How to Stay On Track & Keep the Healthy Vibes Flowing

Okay, let's be real… life throws lots of challenges at you: busy schedules, cravings, and sometimes that couch just seems way more appealing than the gym…

Totally get it! These are normal hurdles, and there are ways to jump over them and keep that healthy momentum going.

So let’s kill those objections one by one.

#1 - "I'm Too Busy!"

Between work, errands, and trying to squeeze in a social life, finding time for yourself can feel impossible. 

Here's how to fight back:

  • Mini-Workout Wins: Don't have an hour for the gym? No worries! 10-minute bursts of activity throughout the day add up. Squats while the kettle boils, a quick lunchtime walk… those little moves make a BIG difference.
  • Plan for Prep: Spend a chunk of your Sunday prepping healthy meals and snacks. Having delicious, grab-and-go options saves you time and stops those takeout temptations. (BOZU can be your help here by delivering tasty meals to your doorstep!) 
  • Multitask: Turn chores or commutes into productive time with podcasts or audiobooks. Learn something new or get lost in a great story while you tackle those daily tasks – it's a win-win!

#2 - "Healthy Food is Boring/Difficult/Expensive!"

Taste bud tantrums are a serious threat to your goals. But healthy doesn't equal bland! Here's how to add flavour to the fight:

Spice It Up: A few essential spices make healthy food way more exciting. Try cumin for earthy flavour on chicken or veggies, paprika for smoky sweetness, or chilli powder when you want a spicy kick.

Sauce for the Win: Don't underestimate sauces! Pesto adds a fresh zip to pasta or grilled chicken, creamy yoghurt gives curries richness, and a simple vinaigrette makes salad way more crave-able.

Seek Out Simple Recipes: You don't have to be a master chef to eat well. Search online for easy, healthy recipes using your favourite ingredients, or check out food blogs and recipe sites for inspiration. (Side note: we also publish a WEEKLY recipe, so keep an eye on those as well!)

#3 - "My Motivation Tank is Empty!"

Some days you're crushing it; others, the struggle is real. It happens! Here's how to power up when you're feeling flat:

  • Progress Check: Look at how far you've come! Whether it's in your workout journal, those jeans fitting better, or simply having more energy, celebrate those wins.
  • Buddy Up: A workout partner, a healthy eating pal, or even an online support group can make a huge difference in staying accountable and motivated.
  • Reward Yourself (the healthy way!): New workout gear, a relaxing massage, or an evening bingeing your fave show...non-food rewards keep you focused on your goals.

And Then There’s the Rest & Recovery Factor…

Think you have to hustle hard ALL the time to see results? Think again! Rest is an essential part of a healthy routine. Here's why:

  • Muscle Magic: Your body actually repairs and builds muscle during those rest days – that's how you get stronger!
  • Mind Power: Adequate sleep helps you focus, improves mood, and even boosts your metabolism.
  • Beat the Burnout: Pushing too hard without breaks leads to injuries, total demotivation, and a whole lot of resentment towards those healthy goals.

So, chill out! Schedule those rest days, aim for those 7-8 hours of sleep, and learn to say "no" to things that drain your energy without refilling your cup.

Crush Your Health Goals With BOZU

Healthy food shouldn't be a hassle, but sometimes, you're just too busy (or let's face it, too lazy) to make it taste good too.

That's where BOZU saves the day: fresh, delicious meals delivered to your doorstep. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacks – we've got all your cravings covered.

Choose your fave plan (balanced, spicy, or even customise your own!), all with the best halal-certified ingredients.

So, ready to ditch boring meal prep? Drop us a message to see what seriously flavourful eats we have lined up this week.