Bozu Prep
25% OFF YOUR 4 WEEKS 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

For many of us, the past 4 months has meant swapping our offices and places of work for our bedroom, kitchen or dining room.

Instead of coffee breaks with colleagues, we’ve been virtually meeting through online platforms such as Google Hangouts and Zoom, and catching up through text and Skype. Flexible working hours and working from home may be nothing new - in fact – APPROXIMATELY 1.7 MILLION PEOPLE IN THE UK REPORTED THAT THEY WORKED MAINLY FROM HOME IN 2019, compared to 884,000 WORKING FROM HOME IN 2008. But for some of us, finding that motivation to get back into the office will take some doing. Being accustomed to more snacks - the kitchen’s only 20 steps away after all - we all need to find that healthy balance between foods that are good for us and those that give us the energy to get back into the swing of things. THEREFORE, IN THIS BLOG, WE DISCUSS MEALS THAT WILL MAKE RETURNING TO WORK FAR MORE ENJOYABLE, AND CERTAINLY, FAR MORE TASTY.

Well, let’s start with foods that are proven to aid motivation. TUNA IS RICH IN VITAMIN B6, A CHEMICAL WHICH BOOSTS DOPAMINE LEVELS IN THE BRAIN. DOPAMINE IS THE “REWARD CHEMICAL” WHICH MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD AND INCREASES PLEASURE. By consuming more vitamin B6, your body will be sent the reward signals you need to keep you motivated. If tuna sounds good to you, why not try our tuna pasta meal - complete with delicious west African spices that are just too good to ignore. Fresh farfalle pasta makes a great side dish to our tuna, alongside seasonal vegetables and tantalising sauces. This tuna dish is sure to motivate you on your lunch breaks, to make the afternoon go by in a flash. 

If salmon is more your fish of choice, then why not try our salmon chimichurri with either rice or fried noodles? SALMON IS PACKED WITH OMEGA- 3 FATTY ACIDS, PROTEIN AND VITAMINS A, D, E AND K, GREAT FOR SKIN HEALTH, BONE HEALTH AND OF COURSE - MOTIVATION. Our salmon dishes are a client favourite. With each piece drizzled with fresh lemon juice and grilled to perfection. Tasty with either rice or noodles, we throw vegetables into the mix for that extra health kick. This could be your new favourite meal, making lunchtime in the office far more than just a break from work. 

And for you dedicated meat-eaters, we have a truly scrumptious range of chicken, steak and meatball dishes from which to choose. FOR THE ULTIMATE IN MOTIVATIONAL MOUTH-WATERING FOOD - WE RECOMMEND OUR MEATBALLS WITH ARRABIATA SAUCE AND PASTA. Our meatballs are pressed in house with 100% premium British steak mince and infused with shallot, basil and red pepper. Sure to liven up any day, they’ll get your creative juices flowing so that you feel motivated to take on any client meeting, pitch or proposal that needs your full attention.

Lastly, if you’re after something vegetarian, we highly recommend our grilled plantain with sweet potatoes. Whereas PLANTAIN IS CHOLESTEROL FREE, IS RICH IN IRON, VITAMIN C, POTASSIUM AND VITAMIN A, AND IS A GOOD SOURCE OF FIBRE, sweet potatoes offer much in the way of vitamins such as pro-vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese and potassium. THESE VITAMINS AND HEALTH BENEFITS AID ACTIVITY, AND ARE IMPORTANT FOR GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT, AND METABOLISM. 

Our grilled plantain dish is perfect for those looking for a low Kcal meal that’s full of flavour and just as delicious. Combined with sweet potato cooked in a classic blend of herbs and spices, our grilled plantain will certainly get those taste buds tingling. Sweet, spicy, savoury and completely meat-free, this dish is a favourite among the Bozu team.

Returning to your place of work doesn’t have to be drab, and with the right lunchtime meal, can actually be kind of wonderful. TO CHECK OUT OUR FULL RANGE OF MEALS, PLEASE CLICK HERE. We deliver across the UK - to areas including Manchester, Liverpool, London and Edinburgh - so your meals will be there as soon as you’d like. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT US, AND FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT US TODAY.