Bozu Prep
Friday, June 7, 2024

Discover easy and effective meal prep hacks to stretch your budget and enjoy delicious, affordable, healthy food all week long.

Eating well on a budget is hard. Between the temptation of takeout and the ever-rising cost of groceries, it's easy to feel like your wallet is always empty and your stomach is rumbling. 

But here's the good news — meal prepping actually saves you a ton of cash.

So, let’s discover the meal prep tips that save money. 

7 Meal Prep Hacks to Save Money

Here are the 7 cheap meal prep hacks. 

Plan Ahead, Spend Less

Before you hit the supermarket, take a few minutes to plan your meals for the week. This simple step will save you a ton of money and stop you from buying random stuff you don't need.

Here’s how. 

  • Make a List: Jot down the meals you want to make for the week. Stick to simple recipes with ingredients that you use in multiple dishes. For example, roast a whole chicken on Sunday and use the leftovers in sandwiches, salads, and soups throughout the week.
  • Check your Cupboards: Before you shop, take a peek in your pantry and fridge. This way, you won't buy duplicates of things you already have.

Cook Once, Eat Multiple Times

Ditch the idea that you need to cook a new meal every single night. Cooking in bulk is an easy pissy way to save time & money. 

Here’s how. 

  • Double (or Triple!) Your Recipe: Choose a recipe that's easy to double or even triple. This way, you cook once and have enough food for several meals throughout the week.
  • Choose Versatile Dishes: Think about meals that are easily changed into different dishes. For example, a big batch of roasted chicken is a naturally affordable healthy food. It can be used in a variety of dishes throughout the week, such as salads, sandwiches, wraps, or even pasta dishes.

Shop Smart

Grocery shopping often drains your wallet faster than you'd like. But with a bit of savvy shopping, you'll stock up on delicious ingredients without emptying your bank account.

Here’s how.

  • Bulk Up: Buying in bulk saves you more cash, especially for non-perishable items like rice, pasta, or canned goods. Look for deals at wholesale stores or check if your local supermarket has a bulk section.
  • Check the Reduced Section: Don't shy away from the reduced section for bargains. You find perfectly good produce or meat that just needs to be used up quickly.

Embrace Leftovers

Don't let those tasty leftovers go to waste! Get creative and change them into brand new meals. It's a great way to save money and reduce food waste, plus it means less time in the kitchen later in the week.

Here’s how. 

  • Reinvent Your Leftovers: Turn yesterday's roast chicken into a tasty salad or a hearty soup. Leftover veggies added to frittatas, stir-fries, or pasta dishes.
  • Get Creative: Don't be afraid to experiment. Look up recipes online that use your leftovers as a base, or try combining them with other ingredients to create something new.

Track Your Spending

Keeping track of your grocery spending is always best for meal prep on budget. It helps you see where your money's going and where you cut back.

Here’s how. 

  • Keep a Record: Every time you shop, keep track of what you buy and how much it costs. Use a notebook, an app on your phone, or even just a note on your fridge.
  • Set a Budget: Decide how much you want to spend on groceries each week or month. Stick to it! This will help you avoid impulse buys and overspending. 

Get Friendly with Your Freezer

Your freezer is your best friend when it comes to budget meal prep and reducing food waste. It's like a time capsule for meals, keeping them fresh and ready to eat whenever you are.

Here’s how. 

  • Freeze in Portions: Don't just chuck a whole pot of leftovers in the freezer. Divide it into individual portions so you defrost only what you need. This prevents waste and makes mealtimes super convenient.
  • Label Everything: Label your containers with the date and contents. This will help you keep track of what's in your freezer and use things up before they get freezer burn.
  • Freeze Fresh Produce: If you've got a glut of veggies from the market, chop them up and freeze them. This way, you'll always have healthy ingredients on hand, even when they're not in season.

DIY Your Convenience Foods

Stop shelling out for overpriced sauces and pre-packaged snacks! Make your own tasty (and cheaper!) alternatives at home. 

It's easier than you think, and it's a great way to control the ingredients and avoid nasty additives.

Here’s how. 

  • Spice It Up: Whip up your own spice blends and marinades. Find recipes online or experiment with your favourite flavours. It's a fun way to add a personal touch to your meals.
  • Dress to Impress: Homemade salad dressings are not only cheaper, but they often taste better than store-bought versions. All you need are a few simple ingredients like olive oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices.
  • Snack Attack: Ditch the processed snacks and make your own granola bars, trail mix, or energy balls. You'll know exactly what's going into them, and they'll be way cheaper (and healthier!) than anything you find in the supermarket.
  • Saucy Solutions: Make your own pasta sauces, stir-fry sauces, or marinades for meat and fish. Control the amount of sugar and salt, and use fresh, seasonal ingredients for maximum flavour.

Ditch Meal Prep Stress Because Bozu Delivers to Your Door

We take the hassle out of healthy eating with our range of delicious, pre-prepped meals.

From flavour-packed jerk chicken to vibrant salads and hearty stews, our menu is packed with options that will satisfy your cravings and keep you fuelled throughout the week. 

And with our convenient halal meal prep service, say goodbye to those last-minute takeaway temptations.

So why not give yourself a break? Contact Bozu today and let us handle the cooking.